The waterfront area has been revised to provide an increased amount of non-residential uses
Plans have been lodged for 450 new homes on the expanding Waverley site in Rotherham.
Barratt David Wilson Homes hope to build the properties on the 11 hectare waterside site adjacent to Highwall Park and Waverley Lake.
If approved, the development will consist of a mix of one ot four bedroom properties which will range from apartments, to terraced, semi-detached and detached dwellings..
The previous block with a cafe use indicatively shown at ground floor has been revised to provide non residential uses over three blocks.
Of the homes, 149 will be allocated as affordable which equates to 33 per cent.
The affordable provision will be made up of one to three bed properties.
A promenade on the waterfront will be a pedestrian and cycle only route with allowed access for emergency vehicles.
A bus route is also proposed, connecting the Riverside development to Waterside through Highwall Park.
The properties will be energy efficient, with space and hot water heating systems, high levels of insulation, low energy lighting and electric vehcile charging.
Planning documents from the applicant state: “The proposed development will deliver much needed new housing to a sustainable location.
“The new housing development can provide a number of substantial economic and social benefits to the Waverley New Community and Rotherham.
“The proposed development, with appropriate mitigation, would not give rise to any adverse impacts which would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the proposal.”
A spokesperson from South Yorkshire’s intergrated care board states that the primary care system in place already ‘will not be able to cope with the demand’ of a further 1,000 residents, and add that a proposed £2m health centre will be ‘essential to meet the needs of those people’.
Residents have raised concerns around car parking, extra traffic, the proximity of the site to the lake and its wildlife, and lack of GPs dentists and school places.
Residents can comment on the scheme until March 30